Collaboration at work

Introducing Email Notifications for Working Copy Collaboration

Working copies are one of the many features that set Scrivito apart from the competition. They let you edit content independently of the live website and of other users. If you are a Scrivito user, you have undoubtedly experienced the versatility of working copies as a collaboration tool. You can even share them with co-workers to jointly layout pages, complement them with images, have them proofread, etc. Even better, Scrivito’s live updating lets you instantly see the edits made by your colleagues on pages in the same working copy, no matter where you are located.

To share a working copy with other users, one simply adds them to it as an owner via the working copy settings. In terms of workflow, this is an invitation, and we thought that it’s a good idea to let the invitees know not only that they have been invited but also, later, that the working copy they contributed to has been published. So we now send them a notification email on these two occasions.

Precisely, Scrivito sends users an email whenever…

  • …they have been added to a working copy. Only the added user will be notified.
  • …a working copy has been published. The email is sent to each owner of the working copy except the one who published it.
Working copy settings in Scrivito
Scrivito notifications

As we are in the process of extending Scrivito’s workflow functions related to working copies, more notifications are to come, so stay tuned…

Scrivito CMS: der Content-Hub fĂĽr Ihre Websites und Apps

Scrivito CMS ist unsere komplette Unternehmenslösung für Digital-Experience-Plattformen, Websites und Webanwendungen der nächsten Generation. Als Software as a Service benötigt Scrivito keine IT-Wartung. Das Content-Management-System ist äußerst flexibel und erfüllt höchste Sicherheitsstandards.

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