Jam stack

Everyone’s Talking About Jamstack, But What Does it Mean?

You’ve Probably Heard a Lot about Jamstack Recently 

as it is one of web development’s great buzzwords in 2019. And you maybe don’t know that our enterprise CMS Scrivito is based on this architecture.

So What Exactly Is Jamstack?

According to jamstack.org JAMstack is “a modern web development architecture based on client-side JavaScript, reusable APIs, and prebuilt Markup”. Still quite confusing, right? Keep on reading then!

Jamstack is NOT about specific technologies: operating systems, web servers, backend programming languages, or databases; but rather an alternative approach to building digital products.

What Makes a Website or Web App Jamstack?

In order to follow Jamstack architecture, website or web application needs to fulfil the following three requirements:

  • J for JavaScriptdynamic code is handled by JavaScript on the client-side (in browser)
  • A for APIsall actions requiring server-side processing are handled via APIs
  • M for Markupmarkup code is prebuilt during deployment

What Are the Benefits of Using a Jamstack CMS like Scrivito?

Ok, so you now know what Jamstack is and wonder “What’s in it for me? Why should I care?”. Below are the top 4 benefits of Jamstack architecture:

  • Better performancepages can be/are pre-built during deployment, nothing is faster than static pages accessed over a fast content delivery network (CDN)
  • Higher securitystatic content is much more secure than full application code on a server. Microservices APIs are not an interesting point of attacks for hackers as they give very limited access
  • Improved scalingserving static files facilitates scaling (which is done super-fast and automatically by the way)
  • Better developer experience - your developers can focus on the front-end, not on infrastructure management, which will make them more productive and also happier

When Should You Use a Jamstack, Headless CMS like Scrivito?

No tool is for everyone, so you’re probably wondering when such a solution is the best to choose. Below are the three top reasons to choose it:

  • When you want to adopt an omnichannel content strategy and create content for multiple devices and end-points, not just your website.
  • When you want to leverage all the benefits of a true SaaS solution provided as a cloud service.
  • When you want to have full control of the rendering and implementation of your content.

Scrivito CMS: der Content-Hub fĂĽr Ihre Websites und Apps

Scrivito CMS ist unsere komplette Unternehmenslösung für Digital-Experience-Plattformen, Websites und Webanwendungen der nächsten Generation. Als Software as a Service benötigt Scrivito keine IT-Wartung. Das Content-Management-System ist äußerst flexibel und erfüllt höchste Sicherheitsstandards.